Soviet Samizdat Periodicals

Soviet Samizdat Periodicals Database

This Database contains information about editions of classic Soviet samizdat, 1956-1986. The Database of Soviet Samizdat Periodicals includes approximately 300 titles, including human rights bulletins, poetry anthologies, rock zines, religious editions, national movement journals and more. Browse or Search the Database by title

Samizdat Journals: Electronic Editions

Select online editions of Soviet samizdat periodicals make rare archival materials available to a wide audience. Searchable transcribed text and notes or commentary have been provided where possible to facilitate the appreciation and use of these documents. 

Search Samizdat Journals: Electronic Editions.



Map of Soviet Samizdat Periodicals

Find Samizdat periodicals by geographic location.


The Timelines provide a representative selection of people and events in the USSR that show the general arc of development for each movement. Photographs come from various relevant collections of archived materials.

Artists Rea Nikonova and Serge Segay

Story Maps

The Story Maps presented here are related to the interactive Map of Soviet Samizdat Periodicals. Just as there are many different topics and communities represented within Soviet Samizdat Periodicals, so we find varied stories to tell.

Featured Content & News

The Dissident Legacy

For announcements and updates, see Newsletter No. 2 / Infolettre No2 for the Dissident Legacy (Héritages de la dissidence). Find all issues here: Newsletter.

Samizdat Interviews

Lev Mnukhin (1938-2020) (click name for interview in English) Lev Abramovich Mnukhin was a historian of literature and culture. He worked with the Marina Tsvetaeva museums in…
  Evgeny Abezgauz (click to go to the interview in English) Evgeny Abezgauz (1939-2008) was born in Leningrad. He studied engineering and worked as an engineer at a…
Evgeny Lein (click to go to the interview in English) Evgeny Lein (1939) was a well-known activist in Leningrad. He took part in the struggle for free emigration to Israel…
Oleg Okhapkin (1944-2008) (click name for interview excerpts in English) Oleg Aleksandrovich Okhapkin, poet, was an active participant in unofficial culture of the late…
Aba Taratuta (1935)  (click to go to the interview in English) Taratuta was a leading Jewish activist in Leningrad. He applied for an exit visa in 1973, and immigrated…

Editorial Board

  • SOPHIE COEURÉ, Université de Paris
  • GERALD JANECEK, University of Kentucky
  • ILJA KUKUJ, Ludwig Maximilian University
  • BENJAMIN NATHANS, University of Pennsylvania
  • CLAUDIA PIERALLI, Università di Firenze
  • PETER REDDAWAY, George Washington University
  • ALLAN REID, University of New Brunswick
  • YAACOV RO'I, Tel Aviv University
  • MARCO SABBATINI, Università di Pisa
  • STEPHANIE SANDLER, Harvard University
  • SUSANNE SCHATTENBERG, Forschungsstelle Osteuropa
  • CÉCILE VAISSIÉ, Université Rennes 2
  • We were honoured formerly to include ARSENY ROGINSKY (1946-2017), International Memorial Society